Editable QR codes on stickers!

QR Stickers enables you to effortlessly generate and print 50 editable QR codes in one go. These dynamic QR codes allow you to modify the content displayed after scanning, which can include any link that redirects to your desired destination.

How does it work?

  1. Create 50 QR codes in bulk.
  2. Edit QR code content:
    • Add any text that is visible after scanning, or
    • Make it redirect to any URL after scanning
  3. Choose QR code privacy:
    • Public — anyone can see it after scanning
    • Private — only you can see it after scanning
  4. Finally, you can either:
    • Print it (ideally on sticker paper), or
    • Download individual QR codes as SVG


Your first 50 QR codes are free. If you need more, please contact us.

Codebook #1